"Much has been written and calculated about the transmission risk of HIV negative folks face with positive, negative or indeterminate partners. But what is you know you're positive and worry about infecting a negative partner? With the help of out very own sexpert, Perry N. Halkitis, PhD, POZ combed through the University of California San Francisco's online vault of the latest research to chart the odds of infection in the absence of protection. Although some of these numbers seem low, they don't guarantee condom-free Eden. Many factors, including uncontrolled viral load, the presence of other sexually transmitted infections and rough sex, can increase the likelihood of transmitting HIV. Feeling lucky?
If you're HIV+ and you're not using condoms as the:
- Insertive partner of gay anal sex, the risk of your partner being infected is 1 in 122.
- Receptive partner of gay anal sex, the risk of your partner being infected is 1 in 1,666.
- Insertive partner of straight vaginal sex, the risk of your partner being infected is 1 in 111,111.
- Receptive partner of straight vaginal sex, the risk of your partner being infected is 1 in 1 million.
- Performer of penile oral sex, the risk of your partner being infected is Negligible.
- Receiver of penile oral sex, the risk of your partner being infected is 1 in 1,666.
- Performer of vaginal oral sex, the risk of your partner being infected is Negligible.
- Receiver of vaginal oral sex, the risk of your partner being infected is Negligible."
I find this article shocking and inaccurate, in addition to making people think that the chances to acquire HIV is low.
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